Thursday 13 June 2013

Local input sought

Ballarat East MP, Geoff Howard is deputy chair of the state parliament Rural and Regional Committee, which is now commencing an inquiry into best practice in e-business and remote working policy.

With the Federal Labor rollout of the National Broadband Network, regional Victoria, including Kyneton, Castlemaine and Romsey, is now becoming closer than ever to Melbourne and other sites across the world.
This means that the disadvantages presented by distance are now no longer so limiting to economic opportunities for regional communities and regional Victorians can have broader work options.
The state parliament Rural and Regional Committee is now commencing an Inquiry into best practice in e-business and remote working policy.
Ballarat East MP, Geoff Howard, is deputy chair of the committee. Mr Howard said that there's no doubt that teleworking is growing more popular across the world as economies change from traditional models to become more information based. 
"At present we have a significant number of people who commute to Melbourne for work daily," he said.
"Not only does this see much time and stress added to the working day of commuters but it adds to traffic congestion and costs governments more as the pressure to build more freeways and upgrade public transport to meet this demand.
"Governments in other countries, including USA and many European countries, have taken action to require government departments and private businesses to set targets for more staff to be able to work from home for one or more days per week.
"Workers from home often say they are more productive and have a better work-life balance. Also the potential benefits of getting cars off the roads and keeping people in rural and regional Victoria are enormous while the opportunity to attract more people to come and make that lifestyle move away from Melbourne.
"This Inquiry will look to determine the best way to ensure rural and regional Victoria is prepared for the opportunities provided by the broadband rollout."
Mr Howard said he believed that many people who presently commute or who already work from home would have useful insights to share regarding what government could do to promote increased telecommuting and e-business.
"Our committee is calling for submissions to the Inquiry and I would encourage anyone prepared to share their views to contact me or go to the committee's website to register their interest," he said.
"We are interested in hearing from experts who can provide advice and information on the inquiry's Terms of Reference. We are also interested in people in regional areas who have first-hand experience of teleworking or establishing their own e-business."
To view the full Terms of Reference and information on how to make a submission to the Inquiry, visit or phone Geoff Howard on 5331 7722.

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