Friday, 19 April 2013

Autism forum at Woodend - Understanding the challenges for adolescents with an ASD

Photo: Shantelle Images

Insight into adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will be offered by specialist psychiatrist, Emeritus Professor Bruce Tonge. 

Cobaw Community Health will host a question and answer forum with the professor to help understand the issues facing adolescents with ASD. 
"This forum is for parents, teachers, youth and community workers and anyone who knows someone with an ASD," Cobaw children's services coordinator, Prue Southey says.
"Adolescents with an ASD have unique challenges as they struggle to understand the social rules that are constantly changing. This is difficult for parents, teachers and their peers to understand."
"This question and answer forum is part of the broader Autism Awareness campaign that has been happening around the Macedon Ranges for the past few weeks and will continue until the end of April as part of Autism awareness month."
Statistics show about one in one hundred people are diagnosed with ASD. 
Professor Tonge is a psychiatrist who has specialised in autism and other mental health issues associated with ASDs for children and adolescents. He has a distinguished record in practice, teaching and research. 
"Adolescence can be a tricky period for everyone, but especially young people with Autism," Professor Tonge says.
"Parents need reliable information to reduce family stress associated with having a young person with an ASD. They need effective strategies to help improve the adaptive behaviours of young people with autism."
Jack, 15, has Aspergers disorder, a diagnosis under the umbrella of ASD.
"I sometimes feel like something is wrong with me, like something is broken," Jack explains.
Macedon Ranges Autism Network convener Fiona Le Nepveu says feeling out of place or different is a common issue young people with ASD.
"Through accurate, evidence-based information and practical strategies, families and professionals can be better equipped to guide children and young people with an ASD through this period of their lives," she says.
Colenso Café Woodend is sponsoring the event. Owner, Kathryn Russack, says she is passionate about the ASD cause. 
"We seem to be hearing more from friends and family about autism and it seems like an issue on the rise. This event enables people to access the right sort of information and support which is important," she says. 
Questions for the forum must be submitted prior ahead of the event. If you have a question you would like discussed please send to this evening (Friday).
The forum will be on Monday, April 22, 6-8pm, at the Woodend Community Hub, 47 Forest Street. The cost is $10 and includes a light supper.

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