Thursday, 13 June 2013

Working Woodend

Greens lead senate candidate, Janet Rice, and candidate for Bendigo, Lachlan Slade, in Woodend on Wednesday.

Greens lead senate candidate, Janet Rice, and candidate for Bendigo, Lachlan Slade, hit the campaign trail in Woodend on Wednesday, focusing on planning issues and the fears many residents hold that their community will be absorbed into Melbourne's suburban sprawl.
Mr Slade explained he wants to see Woodend keep its charm and beauty and remain a welcoming place to live, work and visit.
"I work here and love the place. The peace, tranquillity and atmosphere of the Macedon Ranges beats many places in Victoria," Mr Slade said. 
"I want to see sensible planning decisions made to ensure Woodend keeps its village lifestyle, ensuring access to the best facilities and services.
"Individuals and families move here to enjoy the lifestyle and community, all the while being surrounded by stunning mountain forests, not to see Woodend become an outer suburb of Melbourne."
Ms Rice is a strategic transport planning consultant, former councillor and mayor of the City of Maribyrnong, and former chair of the Metropolitan Transport Forum.
"People-friendly green development and safe streets mean people can get around by walking, cycling, and public transport," Ms Rice said. 
"Public transport creates healthier communities and connects people to vital services like health and education."
Mr Slade said the policies of both the Labor and Liberal parties would see Woodend become an outer suburb through sprawl and planning policies that do nothing to protect the parks and other natural areas that make the Macedon Ranges a special place to live.
"A vote for the Greens is a vote for sustainable planning and development that strengthens the livability of towns like Woodend, ensuring there remains a strong 'edge' to the town, making sure it doesn't just get absorbed into urban sprawl," Ms Rice said.
"The Liberals want a 'Big Australia' and the ALP has shown it always sides with developers despite their rhetoric about sustainable development. The Greens are the only party that stands strong with regional communities. We've shown that in parliament and in the community time after time."

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