Thursday 28 February 2013

Choose your partners ... it's time to relay

Melanie and Matthew Foley, with their children, Alexander, Millie and Cooper, are donating an award to the Lancefield Macedon Ranges Relay for Life to be given in memory of Melanie's mother, Carol Ladgrove.
It's a dance competition, so get your scootin' boots on!

If you are near Lancefield Park around 6pm this Saturday you may get the urge to twirl your partner or bust a few energetic moves. Lots of others will be doing just that on the footy oval that gives way to the Lancefield/Macedon Ranges Relay For Life for one weekend every March.
The Carol Ladgrove Award will be contested in the form of a dance competition that will challenge teams to put their best ballroom, rock 'n' roll, disco and Gangnam style dancers on the track for a lap like no other.
Chief dance judge, Melanie Foley, cared for her mother Carol at her family's Romsey home before she died in May last year. She had fought a long battle against Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer.
Carol danced in the rain with family members at last year's Relay For Life and a month later achieved her goal of celebrating her 60th birthday.
Melanie's husband Matt instigated the idea of donating an award to be given out at the Relay in memory of his mother-in-law. The dance competition was chosen by the family because of the joy that music and dance gave Carol, even when she was very ill.
The winning team will receive $500 towards its fundraising total. It should be enough incentive to inspire some spectacular costumes, if not plenty of fancy footwork to make the judging tense.
Teams will also be invited to test their strength in tug of war contests and to keep their shirts and hats on during slip, slop, slap and slide races. Prize money donated by the Romsey and Lancefield Community Banks will also go into the winners' fundraising banks.
Over the past 12 months, teams have again tried various ways of raising money for the Cancer Council Victoria. Barefoot bowls, golf, sausage sizzles, old time dancing, trivia nights, raffles and dinners have been enjoyed in the name of Relay For Life.
About 25 teams will participate in the overnight Relay at Lancefield Park this weekend. Registrations will be taken up until Saturday afternoon. Cancer survivors and carers are invited to join in the first lap to 'Celebrate, Remember, Fightback' at 3pm. It is not necessary to be in a team but individuals must check in at the registration office before walking on the track.
For more information visit, ring 1300 656 585 or contact Kelly Milne on 0419 319 429.

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